For my Kids- What I want them to Know

You are held.

You are my greatest gift and what I wish for you is to always remember you are unique in this world and as this form. 

Your body is your temple, your home for this life, so use it and treat it well. Honor it as a vessel of your connection to matter and to spirit. 
I will always be with you. 

We are timeless and eternal beings together. Look for me and my voice in granite and flowing water and lava. Feel the rays of my love through the sun shining upon your skin.

Know I am always with you.

You are part of God and you are god and god interweaves us all. You are holy and sufficient. 

Be of service. Find work that fulfills you where you can be of service for the higher good of all.

Have fun and ENJOY. LIfe is fleeting and how can we seize the day and live every moment as full as possible.

Play with time. Cast an imaginary fishing line out into the future and imagine what you would want anchored in the future. Cast the line with the images of what you want and the time period you want it to occur in. Like I cast a line for being 96 sitting on a porch swing still healthy and vibrant. Focus on the image and the time.

Use your imagination. This is where your magic dwells. What do you dream for in your life? In our world? Tend to those dreams and hold them. Plant seeds and water them. 

Trust your gut, your inner knowing. Give it time so that you can hear that still small voice and its guidance for you. Be courageous to not have to “fit in” to what society says is normal. Think outside the boundaries of your culture and time. Look beyond the borders and be open to information coming in is new and paradigm shifting.

Walk your own path. Imagine it, dream it, find people who support you in it and surround yourself with those people. Find environments where you feel whole and inspired and spend time in them. Create your own markers for success for yourself and share those with your community, your support structure. 

Be around people smarter than you. Seek out wisdom and intelligence.

Remember that you are LOVED. ALWAYS. Your cells are made of love and filled with love. You are unique and yet you are part of something so much bigger. You are human and you are so much more. 

I will always be here with you.