10 & 21 Day Cleanse SIMPLIFIED

We offer the 10 and 21 day Standard Process Cleanse. It is more simple now as they have combined 3 products into one and it is called SP Detox Balance. So technically, you can do this program with only one product!



Heather is a rock star in my book!! Thanks so much for all the support, info, and encouragement. I am feeling better than I have felt in an exceptionally long time! And losing weight to boot.

— C.M. Rough and Ready, 47


Our primary mission is to help support you and your decision to make this important change in your overall health. You will be consuming whole food-based supplements along with a diet that supports and encourages your body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins, decrease inflammation and repair cellular damage. What makes this cleanse unique is that it is based in nutritional supplements from Standard Process that promote efficient and comprehensive detoxification that diet change alone could not achieve. We have chosen Standard Process because they are a well-respected and established company since 1929. The founder, Royal Lee, was a colleague of Weston A. Price of Nourishing Traditions. Royal Lee perfected the process condensing whole organic foods into supplements from their large organic gardens in Wisconsin, so the supplements are very safe as they mimic the process of eating whole organic foods. Standard Process whole foods approach is completely in line with our beliefs in the importance of eating whole organic foods. With the right supplements, you can see dramatic effects quite quickly. We live in a world full of toxins and stresses out of our personal control, but what we can take control of is our diet, lifestyle choices, and how we react to these stresses. This cleanse is an efficient but gentle way to reveal your own health issues and revitalize the internal systems in charge of your health. We hope that what you learn will change the way you feel about your body and self for the better as well as change any unhealthy or unwanted habits for a lifetime.



  • Increased Energy

  • Decreased appetite

  • More stable blood sugar, energy

  • Decreased carbohydrate/sweet cravings

  • Stronger immune function

  • Weight reduction (usually significant)

  • Elimination of food cravings

  • Improved digestion

  • Improved physical appearance

  • Improved blood profile

  • Clearer thinking (less mental fog)

  • Improved elimination

  • Improved sleep

  • Better mood, more positive outlook

  • Hormone imbalances

  • PMS

  • Fatigue and sluggishness

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Weight gain, especially around the midline

  • Skin Conditions, rashes, acne, etc.

  • Dark circles under eyes

  • Puffy eyes

  • Joint pain

  • High Cholesterol

  • Diabetes

  • Poor digestion/acid reflux

  • Low immunity, frequent illness

  • Mental fog and feeling unfocused

  • Mood swings

  • Depression, anxiety

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Thyroid disorders

  • Unable to lose weight

  • Right abdominal upper quadrant pain

  • Right shoulder blade pain on your back

Welcome to the new and simplified Cleanse!

Cleanse Supplement/Product

We will be using the Standard Process product SP Detox Balance. It is a combo of the products used in the older Purification Cleanse we offered, mixing SP Complete, SP Cleanse capsules, and Whole Food Fiber into one product.

Start with 2 scoops a day. I make it into a smoothie. Up the scoops per day as the cleanse progresses. I recommend stopping at 4 scoops a day (over two doses/2 smoothies). If you do not tolerate the SP Detox Balance, or want another option, Cymbiotika’s Plant Protein will be substituted with Standard Process’ SP Cleanse product.

Products for Sale at our office or ONLINE HERE

This is a powder that you mix into smoothies or other liquids and it supports all three phases of detoxification:

Phase I: Unlock

The body transforms fat-soluble toxins to an “unlocked” state that is more water-soluble, and in many cases, more toxic than its original form.

SP Detox Balance delivers key nutrients.

Phase II: Neutralize

The highly toxic substances produced in Phase I convert to non-toxic molecules and become even more water-soluble.

SP Detox Balance delivers key nutrients.

Phase III: Eliminate

Water-soluble toxins leave cells, and the body eliminates them.

SP Detox Balance delivers plant-based fiber to aid toxin elimination and it has 17 grams of protein per serving (2 scoops)

Standard Process has a great GUIDEBOOK with recipes, etc. To download it, CLICK HERE

There are many reasons to do a cleanse. Some people want a metabolic reset, others want detoxification and many want to lose weight. Some want to change their eating for the long term and some want a short-term intensive reset. 

I ran group cleanses with a friend and nutritionist Jessica Flanigan Brown for a few years from 2012-2014. During that time we modified the traditional SP Purification Program and put together this guidebook. Standard Process has its own Guidebook. It has great recipes and guidelines, but please follow our dietary recommendations on what food to eat and what to avoid. The Standard Process guidebook for that is HERE. 

What will be confusing for you all is the different dietary recommendations in the different guidebooks/sources. The SP Detox Balance program is the most liberal, letting you keep in dairy, etc. 

What to Eat

In addition to your daily smoothies, you can enjoy foods from the following list. Please eat organic as much as possible! This is a time to cleanse toxins, including pesticides on non-organic vegetables/fruits and hormones/antibiotics in non-organic meats.


  • Dairy products (butter is OK)

  • Soy

  • Corn

  • Gluten (wheat, barley, millet, oats, rye)

  • Excessive amounts of nuts and nut butters (a small amount daily is OK)

  • Processed foods/packaged foods

  • Coffee

  • Hydrogenated fats

  • Artificial colors and flavors

  • Sugar or sweeteners (avoid honey, maple syrup, etc)

  • Foods you are sensitive to personally

  • Alcohol

  • Vegetable oil (safflower, corn, canola, etc)

  • Artificial sweeteners (xylitol gum OK)

Yes List:

  • Unlimited amounts of fresh or unsweetened frozen organic vegetables

  • Fruits in moderation (eat at least twice as many veggies as fruit)

  • Broth (make your own stock and drink/eat liberally)

  • Meats (palm-size portion once or twice a day)

  • Avocados

  • Fish (consider those on the Monterey Aquarium Sea Food Watch green list)

  • Lentils, legumes

  • Fats include olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, flax seed oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil, ghee, butter only if you know you are not sensitive to it

  • Apple cider vinegars and other vinegars

  • Ground flax seeds, chia seeds (great in smoothies)

  • Collagen protein powder (my favorite is Whole Body Collagen, for sale at our office or online HERE)

  • Coconut milk and nut milks (almond, macadamia, flax, hemp, coconut, etc)

  • Coconut manna

  • MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides, coconut derived), great in smoothies

  • Chai, Black tea, and Green tea 

  • Stevia, monk fruit are OK as sweeteners

  • Fermented foods (unsweetened coconut yogurt or kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha)

Allowed but please eat in moderation:

  • “Slow carbohydrates” (grains and grain-like seeds: brown rice, brown rice noodles, buckwheat, millet, Irish steel cut oats, quinoa, wild rice, black rice, pink rice) 

  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, coconut, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, pecans, walnuts, sesame seeds, macadamia nuts

A note about nightshades: 

Nightshades have been shown to cause inflammation, so some think it is really important to remove these during a cleanse. If you have general inflammation, joint pain, an autoimmune condition or arthritis, it may likely make a difference to eliminate them. If you do not have these conditions, use your discretion on how to proceed with them. Nightshades include tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, white potatoes, tomatillos, okra, cayenne pepper, and paprika.

A note about Vegetables:

Not all veggies are created equal.  We will divide our vegetables into Dr. Aviva Romm’s categories.

Energy Vegetables:  Good grain replacers, as they are higher in sugars and energy.

Beets, parsnips, sweet potatoes, yams, potatoes (unless you are avoiding nightshades)

Leafy Green Vegetables: Best veggies to detoxify, eat up to 4 cups of these a day. Arugula, Bok Choy, Brocolli and rapini, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chard/Swiss chard, Collard greens, Dandelion greens, Kale, Lettuces (except iceberg), Mustard greens, spinach

Rainbow Vegetables:  The wonderful veggies that fill us with antioxidants and richness! Asparagus, Carrots, Celery, Green Beans, snow peas,Onions, Red cabbage, Red, yellow and green bell peppers (these are nightshades), Yellow summer squash, Zucchini

A Note about Fruits: Fruits are high in sugar (fructose) which can be hard on the liver and keep blood sugar swinging, so we recommend only one to two servings of fruits daily. Also, be mindful of the glycemic index of fruits (how fast they turn into sugar in your body) and aim for low glycemic index fruits including:

Apples, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Kiwi, Raspberries, Strawberries, ½ banana/day is OK

Portion Sizes (depending on goals, these are open to modification)

-Meats/fish: 4 ounces, about the size of your palm 

-Grains, beans, legumes: ½ cup (about ½ tennis ball or how much it would take to fill a cupcake wrapper)

- Nuts/seeds ¼ cup or one small handful

- Nut butter: 1 tablespoon or about the size of your thumb

- Leafy green vegetables: 1 cup is about the size of your palm, unlimited, aim for 4 cups a day

- Energy vegetables: up to one cup a day for weight loss, up to 2 cups for others 

-  Rainbow vegetables: up to 3 cups a day

- Fats/oils: 1-2 tablespoons up to three times a day

- Fruits: ½ cup berries and 1 small piece of fruit, twice a day

- Fermented vegetables: 2-4 tablespoons


It is important to stay hydrated!  We recommend drinking warm water with a splash of lemon when you wake up to get your liver and gall bladder ready for the day.  If you have sensitive teeth, chew some xylitol gum after to clean the lemon off your teeth, or better yet, brush your teeth. You may be able to decrease tooth exposure to acid by using a straw, but please make sure you get a re-usable metal straw.  Plastic straws are a single-use plastic item we can save our planet from dealing with in my opinion.

Drink warm water with coconut oil in it at night before bed to help make it through the night, plus very moisturizing for the lips!


Plastics are chemicals that interfere with our health, hormones, weight, and planet. Please minimize as much as possible and do not drink out of plastic or eat out of plastic as much as possible. No heating in plastic and beware of plastic-lined to-go cups (the paper cups are almost all lined with plastic!). Canned foods are also lined with plastic unless specifically stated on labels. Replace your plastic Tupperware with glass Tupperware containers. Bring your used plastic bottles to a store like Soap in Nevada City to refill them with soaps, shampoos, etc. when possible. It is good for you and the planet.

Other notes

Eat slowly!  Chew your food and be mindful.  This will help with enzyme production and will also give you enough time for your brain to signal that you are satiated.

 Want to Lose Weight?

Download the free app Cronometer and track your macronutrients. Keep carbohydrates below 100g a day for weight loss. Look at the protein chart below to determine how much protein you need and aim for at least 60-70 grams of fat a day. The more you can eat paleo type (no grains) and limit nuts, the more weight you will lose. The default for people is to just eat a lot of fruit. Avoid that! Fruit is still high in sugar. Remember the rule, eat 2-4x as many vegetables as fruit.

To have more ideas on how to cut carbs and use Chronometer, watch my video here on more info

Bowel Movements/Elimination/Constipation

On the cleanse it is imperative that you have at least one bowel movement a day. We are working to detox your system, which means clearing toxins. Ultimately, these toxins are mostly eliminated through bowel movements. We don’t want any toxins resorbed!

Magnesium- Many of us are low on Magnesium and if you take 200-600 mg at night before bed you can wake up and have a great bowel movement. Also, it calms the nervous system and helps with sleep. My favorite is Buffered Magnesium Chelate by Designs for Health. If you need more help pushing your bowels, use Magnesium Citrate. Smooth Move Tea by Traditional Medicinals also is really effective. One cup a day.

What would a phone cleanse look like? Not using it after 8 pm? Not sleeping with it on your nightstand? Putting it away for the weekends?

I recommend taking Omega 3s (fish oil or vegan algae version) and Vitamin D (if you test low) FOREVER and Always. 

Fish Oils: I recommend forever and always taking FISH OIL. Our bodies cannot make these Omega 3s, which are classified as “essential fatty acids” because we absolutely need them. Omega 3s are found in ocean-dwelling organisms, mainly fish, krill, etc. They are also derived in a vegan form from seaweed now. My favorite form by far (only need one cap a day to get the equivalent of 2,000mg) is Omega MonoPure 1300 EC by Zymogen. It is available online HERE or at my office. 

Vitamin D: Also important is to know your vitamin D status and take vitamin D if you are low. We can order a blood test to check your vitamin D for about $50. A safe dose is about 2,000 iu a day without testing. 

Other Supplements to Support Your Cleansing Time:

In the older version of the cleanse, we put people on extra gallbladder, liver, adrenal, and digestive support. It was a LOT of supplements, but it worked amazingly. With the new smoothie product, we are making it simple and only recommending it. However, if there are other pathways you want to boost, here are ideas/suggestions.

Adrenal/Stress Support: We all need help with stress. Adrenal glands are our stress response system. They can tired (need boosting), be wired (need calming), or be dysregulated. 

  • For Tired: AdrenaLiv by Zymogen 1-2 caps with breakfast (and lunch as needed). HPA Axis by Integrative Therapeutics (4 caps about 10 am)

  • For Wired: AdrenaCalm lotion by Apex Energetics (1 pump as needed). Cortisolv by Zymogen (1-2 caps once or twice a day).

  • For Dysregulated: Ashwagandha Complex by MediHerb (1-2 caps/day-- can’t take if you have high blood pressure)

  • General Support: Drenamin by Standard Process. 3 caps twice a day

Extra Cleansing: If you want to push detox pathways even more, take SP Cleanse capsules. Take 4 capsules twice a day on an empty stomach.

Extra Liver Detox: HepatoSynergy. This is a great combo of supplements that has 4 capsules in each individually wrapped packet. Hepato-Synergy™ integrates four complementary formulas that are each designed to help support hepatic (liver and gall bladder) detoxication. Metacrin-DX (liver), BileMin (gall bladder), Methyl-SP (methylation/detox liver support), and Glutathione Recycler (antioxidant support). Take one packet twice a day, with or without food.

General Digestive Support:
Probiotics- My favorite is MegaSpore Probiotic by Microbiome. One capsule a day with food. 

Digestive Enzymes- Digestzymes by Designs for Health. 1 cap a day with food (3x a day)

Hydrochloric acid/stomach support: Zypan by Standard Process. 2 caps three times a day with food

Leaky Gut repair- Repairvite GT by Apex 1 scoop before bed

Acid Reflux/heartburn Support- GI Revive by Designs for Health. 1 scoop or 7 capsules before bed.

Suspected parasites/general gut cleanse- Zymex 2 by Standard Process 2 caps three times a day without food

General Detox support (great for hormone clearance) XenoProtX 1 cap once or twice a day

See other info on additional cleanse supplements


The smoothies will have 17g of protein minimum each, as that is what is in the SP Detox Balance.  I love this chart from SP.


COLLAGEN! Use 1 scoop of Whole Body Collagen by Designs for Health for an additional 11 grams a day. Put in tea, coffee, soup, oatmeal, smoothies, etc.