Why I got the COVID-19 Vaccine

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Many people are asking me, as an “alternative” health professional, if I am getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

It is complex.  Just like life is complex.  But I love complexity and see great beauty in it.

My parents did an incredible job raising us four kids completely naturally and organically, and for this I am eternally grateful.  In our current polarized reality, they would have been labelled “anti-vax”, but love and respect for our body’s innate abilities for health were and remain the deepest currents of our family culture.

I found myself in a new global situation when 2020 hit and soon realized I needed to update my mindset.  I am not afraid of COVID-19 for myself, but I recognize that as part of a family and community, I could pass it to others that I would be afraid for if they contracted it.  I don’t think it is an accident that I am alive during this unique moment in human history when there is a global pandemic.  It forces evolution, and I love change and opening into newness.

My personal updating process involved many conversations with my brilliant Stanford-trained scientist  husband.  Also deep conversations and millions of questions for his brother and our sister-in-law who are super smart complex thinking medical doctors.  

So when the vaccines for COVID-19 emerged I waited to see how people reacted to them with a guarded mindset.  I talked for hours with my in-laws and my husband and I did my own research and thought about my unique situation in our lives.  I am with patients all week for more than 15 minutes each and within six feet (which is the definition of exposure in our county).  Even though I wear a mask and make sure all my patients wear theirs, I am a potential vector point for my family and my patients.  

One thing I am absolutely clear about is that the dominant reality we are born into is one based in fear.  Fear is bred into our beings and permeates our media, ideas around safety and even feelings about our own bodies.  It is something I focus on in my chiropractic/wellness practice, how to move our bodies out of what I call Operating System of Fear into Operating System of Love.  We are made of and for love and I want to re-member that in every cell of my body and live that way. 

I made my choice: I am getting the vaccine and beyond that I am thankful that I can.  I recognize my privilege in its many forms.

Am I nervous?  Yes, of course.  But I am done living in fear and “us” versus “them.”  I want to live in trust of my body and its capacity to deal with the moment of time I was born into.  Is the vaccine perfect medicine?   Have I done enough research?  Do we really know what these new vaccines will do long term?  Of course not.  But when was anything sure?  When was there ever a perfect solution for every single body?  But it is the best we have for now.  When my mom was diagnosed with near Stage 4 colon cancer in 2011, us kids forced her to do chemotherapy.  Coming from our natural lifestyle, she didn’t want to “poison” her body with chemo.  But we had complex conversations and realized that at this moment of time chemotherapy is what mainstream medicine had to offer, and that we could compliment it with many other “alternative” and effective therapies.  And the main thing is that we didn’t want to ever have any regrets, especially that we didn’t try everything possible to keep her healthy and safe.  She worked with her oncologist and modified the chemo, doing lower doses and not such a long treatment schedule and I watched as her body took it in and she actually got healthier as the cancer was killed.  And because she listened to her intuition, she did not have the long term effects of the chemo because she modified the doses and did her complementary therapies. 

I am preparing my body before getting the vaccines.  I am taking my vitamin D, zinc, fish oils, vitamin C and will take some extra stuff afterwards.  To find out more, read my Covid-19 Vaccine Prep article click HERE.   And I am funny- I will go to a place where I feel safe (my local pharmacy) and I will imagine golden liquid being shot into my arm that will serve me and my health and also serve humanity as a whole through me.

It is a very individual and personal choice and I understand that from where I live and the way I was raised.  We have a choice with this one.  But we are also part of a collective.  We are part of a global community.  We are in a pandemic that is ruining many people’s lives.  In order to overcome such a moment, we can play a part.  Whether that is sheltering in place until the storm has passed and enough herd immunity is reached or getting the vaccine, it is up to you.

And in a world based in love, I hope you will give a place to my opinion and my choice and I will give a place to yours.  Let’s move away from the fear and division and focus on creating a reality based in OS LOVE.

PS:  Got my second vaccine last night.  Feel fine.  Feel Blessed.

PPS: I do not endorse the COVID-19 vaccine in kids. Want more research and time to understand this.

If you want to help me generate a reality based in OS Love, join my free online membership at www.vitalitymedicine.live