Heather Hunt, DC Resources

I LOVE learning and researching and getting people the kind of information that will really help them achieve optimal vitality in their own lives. In this obsession, I have put together different areas of support.

The key places I share information are my website www.heatherhuntdc.com, Facebook and my Heather Hunt DC Youtube Channel and Instagram.

My mission is to create a new model of health called Vitality Medicine. This would center vitality as a main outcome marker of health and also recognize the human design as an empathic design. Safe to say, everyone who comes to see me is an empath, and much of what we will be doing with our work together is helping you learn more about your design as an empath and how to navigate our world which does not support us. To grow this field of Vitality Medicine I created a free private membership page www.vitaltymedicine.live. I would love for you to join!
